kotenka_m (kotenka_m) wrote,

The Lancet

Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine candidate appears safe and effective
Published:February 02, 2021

A time-resolved plot of the incidence rate in the two groups showed that the immunity required to prevent disease arose within 18 days of the first dose. That protection applied to all age groups, including those older than 60 years, and the anecdotal case histories of those vaccinated but infected suggest that the severity of disease decreases as immunity develops. Three fatalities occurred in the vaccine group in individuals with extensive comorbidities, and were deemed unrelated to the vaccine. No serious adverse events considered related to the vaccine were recorded, but serious adverse events unrelated to the vaccine were reported in 45 participants from the vaccine group and 23 participants from the placebo group. Vaccine efficacy, based on the numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases from 21 days after the first dose of vaccine, is reported as 91·6% (95% CI 85·6–95·2), and the suggested lessening of disease severity after one dose is particularly encouraging for current dose-sparing strategies.

Tags: covid-19, вакцинация

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